Wednesday, December 24, 2008

And I got this! (liz have you read it yet?)

--Please pardon any creative spelling! This message was sent from my iPhone.--

Posted via email from margienewman's posterous


ttulizzy said...

OMG, am I the Liz you are referring to? If so I MADE YOUR BLOG!! LIKE a TITLE!!

I am so saving that to a pdf for the scrapbook that I will one day make. :)

If I am not the Liz, no problem!

I have not read it yet, but I am next in line for it at the library. It snuck by me, a feat that is not easily done when new books come in.

Or, I may just buy it with a gift card that I have.

Is it good???

Margie said...

LOL Of course I meant you! You nut! How many other children's librarian Harry Potter obsessed friends named Liz could I have?


It is good, but it's really different. And honestly a little dark and violent for a kiddo book. I'm glad I've got it though.

It's the kind of thing I think I'll read a second time, just to see what I missed the first time!

ttulizzy said...

Oh, I feel so special!

I've heard positive and negative reviews, thanks for letting me know what you thought!!

I can't wait to read it. I'll let you know what I think!