Monday, February 4, 2008

Lemme see that Tootsie Roll


Cynthia said...

eeeeeeeeew. you need to warn somebody before you make them see that.
i was about to eat dinner.

jrb said...

you may actually win today...simply for having the cojones to post that

Margie said...

Thank you very much. Sorry about your food, CP.

Cynthia said...

hahahahahaha. you are officially waaaay ahead for the gross award.

Margie said...

This award means so much. I'd like to thank the Academy and Georgia and Dave ....

jrb said...

how did dave aid in the creation of that piece of art?

Margie said...

He told me to go take a photo since the other day I was really wanting a reason to use the Tootsie Roll song ... this looked like a Tootsie Roll to us.

jrb said...

..i didnt mean the picture

Margie said...

You are odd.

Anonymous said...

HEY! I wasn't done smoking that yet. What did you do with it?